New York
New York

The Workshop Aims

The community developing text analysis software tools (libraries and packages aimed at programmers) has grown a lot in recent years, some of it coordinated, some of it not. The text analysis eco-system has become richer but also more difficult to integrate. This workshop is designed to bring together the text package developers' community, to share experiences and knowledge, and hopefully foster cooperation. To ensure a safe, enjoyable, and friendly experience for everyone who participates, we have a strict code of conduct.

Formed in 2017 as an rOpenSci "SIG" (special interest group), the Text SIG was created to form an ongoing dialogue between members of the text analysis software developers' community, leading to future, similar events.

Confirmed Participants

This is an invitation-only event. All participants are active members of the text analysis software developers' community, working on packages that involve text analysis, natural language processing, and other aspects of text mining and text data handling. In 2017, this had a heavy R focus, but has expanded to other development frameworks in 2018.

Elin Waring

Lehman College, CUNY

Matthew Honnibal

Explosion AI


Ines Montani

Explosion AI


Ben Schmidt

Northeastern University


James Bradbury


Brandon Stewart

Princeton University


David Mimno

Cornell University

Andreas Müller

Columbia University


Lincoln Mullen

George Mason University

(tokenizers, textreuse)

Brendan O'Connor

U of Massachusetts


Will Lowe

Princeton University


Taylor Arnold

University of Richmond

(cleanNLP, kerasR)

Heewon Jeon

SK Telecom; Korea University


Kasper Welbers

VU University Amsterdam

(corpustools, semnet, RNewsflow)

Wouter van Atteveldt

VU University Amsterdam

(amcat-r, rsyntax, corpustools)

Tyler Rinker

Campus Labs, SUNY Buffalo

(qdap, sentimentr)

Dmitriy Selivanov

stealth mode startup

(text2vec, tokenizers, LSHR)

Bryce Dietrich

University of Iowa

Sasha Goodman

Northeastern University

Sarah Bouchat

Northwestern University


Current Discussions Start Watching

The Venue

Center for Data Science, New York University, 60 5th Avenue, Room 150 (on this map or get directions).


The 2018 Workshop schedule is available from the GitHub Page.

The Sponsors

Support for the 2018 workshop comes from the Center for Data Science at New York University

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and from rOpenSci.
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